What is T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD?
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is an Intrauterine Device that is made up of Copper on the polyethylene frame. The name suggests its configuration as it is a T-Shaped IUD. The other common name for T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is a copper coil. It is inserted inside the vagina, and the coil forms the T-Shape, blocking the ovaries' entrance from both sides. It releases Copper in the womb to stop eggs from being embedded. It is used as Sex Protection And Pregnancy Shield. Sexually active women tend to use this to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The treatment is safe and straightforward and does not cause severe side effects. The doctor will perform the treatment and insert it inside. Only a qualified OB-Gynecologist is allowed to perform the treatment. Also, copper IUD does not guarantee protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases or infections.

What is T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD Used For?
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is an intrauterine contraceptive device used for birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies if the woman is sexually active. T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is a better option as compared to the morning-after pill. It is very suitable for married women who already have children. This Copper Coil is 99% effective and preferred by many women in Fairview, TN.
How T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD Interact?
The available experience indicates that, in general, drug interference with the contraceptive efficacy of T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is highly unlikely. However, published reports appear to show diminished efficacy with long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (especially acetylsalicylic acid) and of corticosteroids. Short-term use in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea with nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs does not appear to reduce contraceptive efficacy. Do not perform diathermy (short wave and microwave) of the sacral or abdominal region since heating may cause heat injury to the surrounding tissue.
Why T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is Prescribed?
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is a prescription device and one cannot get it without a prescription from the doctor. Buy T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD Online to prevent pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections. It is also prescribed to women who have irregular periods with heavy bleeding or no bleeding. T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD dose does not contain any hormones, so it may stop the periods or disturb the cycle, but it does not affect anything across Fairview, TN.
What Are The Features Of T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD?
- Effortless and quick loading of the IUD because of the new insertion body.
- The copper sleeves are completely embedded in the horizontal arms. This results in a very smooth and plane surface.
- The longer insertion tube of the T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD improves the positioning Of The IUD with patients with a longer uterine cavity.
- The T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD has a copper surface of 380 mm² and guarantees safe contraception for up to 10 years.
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD Dosage
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is a long-term used medication. Once it is inserted inside, it will last up to 10 years. Yearly checkups are advised to check if there is any infection or abrasions in Fairview, TN. T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is a Copper Coil in T Shape that is usually 32mm wide and 36mm long. This contraceptive works amazingly, and it has 380mm2 of copper wound around the shaft.
How To Use T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD?
Usage of T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is quite simple. First, the nurse will do an internal examination in order to check for any infections or abrasions. Then, after the nurse or doctor is satisfied, it also makes sure that the device fits properly. The whole treatment takes 30 minutes for a check-up and tests, but the original Fitting Time of IUD only takes 5 minutes. The fitting of an IUD is painful, so you have to lie and spread your legs. Then, T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is carefully inserted in the cervix and pushed further into the womb. It is advised to be relaxed during the treatment to make it less painful.
What Conditions Does T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD Treat?
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD does not treat anything, but it prevents diseases and infections. Also, T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is used for birth control purposes. The treatment can be done during PMS or after that. If the pain is unbearable, it is advised to consult your doctor right across Fairview, TN. T-Safe is indeed a very Effective Birth Control Method, and it is preferred by many sexually active women.
Side Effects of T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD:
As T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is used for internal insertion, then it has some mild to severe side effects. The doctor explains these before the Disease Treatment so that patient is aware of everything.
Common side effects on T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD include:
- Symptoms Of Pms
- Headache
- Tender And Sore Breasts
- Skin Scars And Blemishes
- Stretch Marks
- Itching Or Lower Abdomen
- Short Or No Periods
- Irregular Bleeding During Pms
Severe But Rare Side Effects Include:
- T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD May Damage The Uterine Wall, Which Can Result In Excessive Bleeding And Infection. This Condition Is Known As Uterine Perforation.
- The Device May Come Out Of The Uterus By Mistake. If It Falls Out, The Doctor Has To Reinsert It.
- May Cause Pid (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
- During The Insertion, It May Introduce Bacteria To The Uterus Resulting In Infection.
Cautions To Take T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD:
T-Safe® CU 380A QL IUD is safe to use and only has common side effects. However, before treatment, get a complete body check-up and ensure any Viral Disease or Seasonal Allergies. Also, after treatment, if your experience painful sex, heavy bleeding, unusual vaginal discharge, or pregnancy symptoms, then immediately consult your doctor and get a check-up in detail.